My fitness World




Wearing Nike

Hola Chicas Feliz Dia

Queria hablarles un poco de mi passion por el GYM,si soy una amante al gym. Comenze hace unos cuantos anos a hacer gymnasia. Alrededor del 2008 comenze a depremierme, sentia mucho estres y no me queria parar de la cama. Perdi mi trabajo y tenia tantas cosas pasando por mi vida. Soy madre b mi hija Kiandra tiene 16 anos de edad, en ese entonces era mas pequena. La verdad comenze a sentir ansiedad y ataques de panico que son horribles. En el 2009 comenze a caminar en el parque, poco a poco. Este entonces se convirtio en un habito. En el 2010 conoci a Angie una entrenador personal, asistía a sus clases 3 veces a la semana por una hora, era mucho mas conveniente que ir al gimnasio. A finales del 2010 me inscribi en el gym LA FITNESS. Comenze a tomar los entrenamientos mas en serio hasta asistir 6 veces a la semana. Lo que era costumbre se convirtio en una passion y que passion. Hasta el dia de hoy me encanta todo lo que hago comenze a comer mas saludable y mi disiplina era diferente, tomas en cuenta tu respiracion porque es muy importante y tambien la forma como haces tus ejercicios. En 2012 comenze hacer YOGA, y que te puedo decir, es la habilidad de la flexibilidad. Lamentablemente en Decembre 15 del 2012 tuve un accidente y a causa de este, me rompi el brazo izquierdo lo primero que me vino a la mente fue mis ejercicios, que iba hacer. Pasaron dos semanas y estoy no inpidio que me mantuviera inactiva, pues aun asi encontrabala la manera de hacer ejercicios. La mente es el musculo mas poderoso cuando quieres hacer algo lo logras … Si quieres hacer gimnasio pero no tienes los recursos FACIL en el internet puedes mirar diferentes opciones y hasta en tu mismo hogar puesdes lograr tu objetivo. Uno de mis favoritos es Body Rock. Hasta con articulos de tu hogar te sorprenderas de las maravillas que puedes lograr. Querrer es poder.

No dejen de creer en si mismas, no tienes nada que perder cuando le dedicas una hora a tu cuerpo. Como dice la bible “Tu cuerpo es tu templo” no maltrates lo que Dios hizo,es hermoso y yo no hablo de que sean FLACAS hasta el hueso, pero sean activas y saludables porque eso no tiene precio alguno.

Mi experience me ayudado a inspirar a otras chicas, no olvides alguien guizas esta esperando por ti.


Que Dios Las Bendiga


Hi guys, Happy Day

How many of us as working, single moms have the time to go to the gym, sometimes school work, even the choirs around the house won’t allow us to take the time to go to the gym. I was never a gym spirited lover, I actually was anti gym in my early 20’s. I was like ‘I don’t need the gym, I’m skinny! I look good, I can eat as much as I want and I don’t gain weight’. But little did I know that after your 30’s that it does matter what you eat… I made a big transition in my life when I was suffering from depression back in 2008, for no reason I had no desire to get out of bed, had anxiety, had no inspiration to go to work, I was feeling down and this went on as I neglected the symptoms of it. I would cry for no reason. Just an unhappy person after loosing my job, economy was bad and hey I had a membership but I was not a member. In 2009 I decide to go for a run at the park, and one day turned into 2 days and it became a habit and I started appreciating fitness gear, so I started using a personal trainer who is a good friend of mine who would offer convenient workouts after 6pm, perfect timing. So many of us complain about not working out because TIME but we need to make the TIME even if is 2 times per week. After 8 months had gone by, I felt good about myself and what seem to be a habit was now becoming a passion. I joined LA FITNESS in 2011 and it was the best invest in the world starting a new year with new expectations. I learn so much from Angie about form and breathing that I felt conformable going on my own to the gym. I know the feeling that the gym could cause you when you have no idea what your doing but I also know that you have to start some where. Find out what gyms offer Care for your children. One in particular is Power House Fitness in South Hackensack. Also what time they open and what classes they offer. Some personal training at the gym could be pricey but if you can offered it do it or try to find a gym partner who knows what they are doing. There are so many ways to making this MOVE happen. I’ve been so bless to meet good people along the way like Kervin owner of Dominate Today, he open the door of his gym back in 2013. I was able to help many young woman achieve their goal, to see the passion and drive in their lifestyle is priceless. YOU change YOU when you learn to master your time, disciple, dedication and motivation. Not to mention it does help depression and anxiety and stress. I love these pictures, they reflect who I am not only Fashion but Fitness because I love to be able to wear an outfit and feel great in it because I know “Im Fit” a fit mom, a fit latina, how about you? Have you made the decision to Step Up and make a change in your time and life from sitting on the couch to going to the gym?!?! Your still going to be a mom, a wife, your still going to be a business woman, your still going to be successful but most importantly YOU KILLED FEAR in the face. I love that my boyfriend is involved in the gym, my gym partner Diana is amazing she is also a full time mom, single with a full time job who makes the gym to train.
This is what makes us different than the rest. WE have a style of life that is not only wearing the clothes but speaking through them.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT, BE YOU and love the skin that you are in!

Pic Credit by Ivan Piedra


1 Corinthians 6:19

“Your body is your temple”


Below sharing a video from